First thing in the morning, you get into your classroom only to notice, "uh oh", the garbage was never taken out and this led to an ant raid. Often times, new clients will communicate to us, "the former building support staff are nice people; but because details aren't paid attention to, it leads us to believe that they don't care."
Many tasks in day to day operations may seem very insignificant. But if these duties aren't done, can seriously hinder operations within your work environment. Negligence of Soft Service details can often be perceived by the occupants as building support staff not caring enough to do the simplest parts of their jobs. The truth of the matter may be that they are overwhelmed from a poor facilities management program.
Soft services are any services that directly affect the security and well being of people in the building. The origins of Hines Building Maintenance started with Soft Service management. We have taken great pride in paying attention to even the smallest of details.
As a premier facilities maintenance company, HBM Operations offers a broad range of soft services including but not limited to:
This is a snapshot in time of the current state of your facilities. Our primary goal in providing you with an informative FCA is to surmise the current health of your built environment and analyze it's associated risks. We will determine where an asset is within its estimated useful life to maintain it's future optimal facility uptime. We also consider other factors that our competitors typically do not such as it's use, environment, and past maintenance. This process plays a key role in deciding whether or not a facility is functioning as intended.
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